August 12, 2007

Becoming Jane

This movie was absolutely horrendous. I'm not to "diss" other movies, so to speak, but this movie made me regret spending my friend's mom's money on it. Not only did we have to sit front row(Because this was the only theater in the WHOLE city that was playing it), but the people behind kept whispering to each other on who was cute and who was ugly.

You may think this is completely biast, but I assure you, it is not. If the movie had entertained me enough, the noise behind me would not have been so annoying. After sitting in a chair for 2 hours, I cannot remember a single name in the movie except for Jane, because her name was in the title. There was absolutely no character development in the movie what so ever, the only characters that got any big parts were the main character, Jane, her annoying lover, and the lady who plays some role in the movie and is played by Mcgonagall. Just the fact that I can not remember these names is a sure sign this movie was not enticing at all. I usually like chick flicks, and was looking forward to this one, even though I had no idea what it was about before hand. I honestly would've rather watched a movie about the longest baseball in the World. If you liked this movie, you are most likely one of those types of people who find romance the prime deal in movies. "As long as a movie has a handsome prince and a princess, I'm sold." First of all, the "prince" in this movie was not very attractive at all. Secondly, I thought throughout the whole movie that the nephew and her deaf brother were going to get together with the looks they were giving each other. I don't know if that was just bad acting, or me looking for a subplot to focus my attention on. Either way, that was a lot more in-depth than the original plot was, so I focused all my attention on that.

This movie was 1/10

Don't see it with your girlfriends, they will hold your hand and cry. (My friend has a boyfriend and I laughed at him afterwards because she was holding his hand throughout the whole movie. Can you say "AWWW!")

Best Wishes,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey fellow squirrel! I am seeing you everywhere lately! Thanks for the comment on my blog.

I haven't seen the "Jane" movie and probably won' sounds a bit artsy and reminds me of an Eddie Izzard skit:
he compares Brit vs US movies and it's hilarious.
I agree with your comment on my blog "when you introduce romance to a television series, it needs to be playfully done and not extravagant". That's it exactly. Don't inundate a bunch of shows with it and then have nothing more to say. Just tease us a bit here and there with it and then have maybe one show that has it featured a bit. Then back off it...we know they are together.. we don't need to have the whole show be about it....the sci-fi stuff comes first!! ;-)