August 13, 2007

Fame is a coming

I've decided how I'm to become famous. Don't laugh, but I've decided to act. I know it's a crap shoot, one in a million, but see, that's why I have 2 other back up plans. Let me go into detail, because it's my blog.

Ok, so acting is my number one choice, but I think I'm going to minor in it and take some voice counseling stuff on the side during college and what not because everyone tells me my voice sucks. during college I'm going to start looking for an agent and stuff so I don't graduate and say, " what?" I want to act in anything scifi or comedy because I just love them. I might also do romances, but only well written ones because those are one in a million. This also plays into my plan on befriending a few certain actors...who are 20 years older than me, but age is just a number. Since I'll be "trying" to go to college in Scotland, I'll hopefully be able learn Gaelic and will be able to do a Scottish accent, which I'm sure will be of some help in my career. Hopefully.

My other ideas to become famous is by being a soloist musician. The only problem with this is that there aren't many people who know any recent classical musicians. And I will only become famous by playing classical because I can only play the Viola. I might take up the piano and acoustic guitar in college, but I'm not sure about that. Maybe the flute on the side, but that would just be for my resume. Once I get recognized there, I can start traveling and seeing the world, and being cool altogether. I would most likely major in this because it's just...I don't know, I just have the feeling I should.

My other idea (I have one more after this) was to become a teacher. I know I wont be famous for it, but it's been a passion for me. I would minor in Scottish history and try to get a job in a high school after majoring in teaching. With this plan, I can still meet stars at conventions and stuff. I'll probably end up living alone though. That's my only problem with this plan.

My last plan, which could end me up with a certain famous person would be a professional athlete. I don't actually have to major in this, do I? I wouldn't think so. I'd probably play tennis, or swim. I've been thinking about taking up Rugby too though because I need a spring sport for high school. I probably like this idea second only to the acting one. I'm actually a fan of football, which is weird because I'm so dainty looking. Which is completely misleading, I'm a very strong person and I'm though, so don't mess with me. Kidding, but I'm really a kind/tough guy. I'm the nerdy jock who watches out for the other nerds. If they're cute.

~Completely new subject here~
Sorry, but this has been on my mind and so I want to write about it before I forget it again. The perfect man. What? A man? But aren't you a guy? Why yes, I am, glad you noticed. Now that THAT is out of the way (I hate using caps, it makes things look so juvenile) My perfect guy would have: (a list? Yes. You are so weird. I know, thank you. Now, onto the list)

-He has to be shorter than me. I don't care if it's an inch, or 6 inches, he just has to be shorter than me. I'm 5'11" ish so > or = 5'10"

-Hair is a big thing. I like brunettes. I used to like blonds, but I discovered I only like unnatural blonds. I know, it's weird. The hair has to be short or medium, none of this hippie crap.

-Blue or green eyes. I don't care either way. I really just don't like brown eyes. Yes, I myself have brown eyes, and that's probably why, but I don't care.

-Big feet. Why? You know what they say about guys with big feet. Hah, no, I just like guys with bigger feet for some reason, I don't know why.

-Smile. His smile has got to have two things, it has to be cute/sweet but at the same time, have this underlying sexiness about it. Not overly sexual, but you know what I mean.

-I forgot...Damn you Lisa...OH! Right. He has to be funny. This is the one thing I cannot let go. Anything else on here can be changed (almost) but he has to be able to make me laugh. Or at least other people.

-As for his body, none of this rippling muscle thing. That is icky. I prefer some meat on my man! Now, muscle is good, just not overly. I prefer cuddly to....well...anything else I guess?

-I keep forgetting...I blame Lisa, I'm talking to her as I'm writing this...RIGHT! He absolutely must not smell horrid. He can smell horrid after we've been going out for awhile, but while we are still getting to know each other...I'd like to think he's trying his best. Now, burps and what not, I don't mind. But if you smell like you haven't showered in days *coughcough* Then we have a problem. I, by the way, smell fine. I'm not asking for anything that I myself can't deliver.

See? I'm not picky.

Best wishes,


Anonymous said...

Im sorry Im such a distraction to you. I know how much you want me. Except not really. Im glad you can smell.

Regoddy said...

Hey man, if you're gonna be an actor you don't have room to be picky in the beginning. You'll do what you can get, I guarantee it.

I want to minor in acting too, though. If I can I want to do theater, at least at first.

Haha, not picky my ass. "D< HE MUST HAVE BLUE OR GREEN EYES RAWR"
